Friday, July 31, 2015

Watch our handsome boy grow.....month 4

 Someone we missed week 15....sad story

4 months old and counting......

I was unaware that my heart could swell so much and love so fiercely!! Beckett Allen is so sweet and so happy ALL THE TIME! I love watching him watch his big brother and I cannot wait to watch their bond grow! I may explode!
The facts: You are weighing in at 16 lbs 10 oz and are measuring 25 1/2 inches long which puts you in the 60% percentile for both.  You are wearing 3-6 month clothes, 12 month pajamas, size 3 daytime diapers, and size 4 overnight diapers. You are growing at such a rapid rate which means you are flying through Braxton's clothes which makes me sad. You are so easy really only fuss when you are wanting to go to sleep and then all you need is a snuggle with you blue silky blanket and off to dreamland you go! Also you get hot really easily which probably comes with the "big guy" territory...mix that with Arkansas summer humidity and we have a sweaty baby anytime we venture outside!
Things you are doing: Smiling big open mouth grins ALL THE TIME but you refuse to belly laugh. Instead you snort which is adorable. On June 16 you started grabbing for toys at midline and grabbing for the toys on your play mat instead of just batting. You can sit up in a bumbo really well and you are trying to roll from your back to your belly. You easily roll to your side but haven't mastered the whole movement but its coming!! You suck your thumb alot which is pretty darn cute!
You nurse 3x daily (morning, evening, bedtime) and you drink 3 5oz bottles at daycare each day. 
You go to sleep between 8-9pm every night but still do not sleep very well. You typically wake between 12-1AM and daddy rocks you back to sleep or falls asleep with you in your chair and then you wake between 2-3AM to nurse. Your day starts consistently at 6:30AM when we wake you up for breakfast!
You also had a growth spurt this month which meant for poor sleeping for 2 weeks. You were up every 3 hours to nurse and mommy was a little exhausted.
You are still sleeping in the cosleeper in our room. You sleep in a Halo sleep sack, with arms swaddled, and flat on your back (when you actually sleep...HA)
Things you like: Blue silky blanket,  floor time on tummy or back, eating your fingers

Things you dislike: Man this one is hard; you don't really dislike anything! You are starting to complain when your brother is constantly in your face and touching your cheeks. (I would complain too)

Big Events: Gentry Safari, first swim, first hike

Father's Day 2015

Happy Father's Day to Luke!!! This guy really deserves the title...he loves our boys fiercely and actively "parents" day in and day out! It's definitely a team effort at our house and I feel so blessed to watch my littles grow up with such an involved, hands on daddy!!
To celebrate the holiday we spent the day poolside at Luke's Aunt and Uncles house! Braxton had a blast and Beckett was indifferent!!