Sunday, July 26, 2015

3 months old and counting....June 3

Life with two little boys is chaotic and busy but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Beckett Allen is such a good baby. A year ago I would have told you that Braxton was an easy baby but now I know that was a half truth. Braxton was high maintenance and fussy in comparison. Beckett Allen is always happy unless he is sleepy and then he may fuss for a few minutes until you snuggle him in his blue silky blanket. He eats great and is right on track developmentally. My only complaint continues to be sleep. Beckett is terrible at it at night. He wakes 2-3 times nightly and still nurses once. It's exhausting but we love him so I guess he gets a pass for now!
The Facts: Happy....Happy.....Happy!! You are a big guy....actually you are about average but you seem huge since Braxton was so small. Ha. You are currently wearing 0-3 month clothes and size 2 diapers. Your clogged tear duct has completely resolved!
Things you are doing: Rolling tummy to back over both sides finally figured out to the left. You are batting at toys, talking or cooing a lot, and you are holding your head up really well on your tummy. You love sucking on your fingers and hands. You sleep swaddled, flat on your back in a cosleeper right beside Mommy. You are currently sleeping one 5-6 hour stretch. You nurse every 3 hours during the day with the last meal at approximately 9pm. You wake between 2-3AM to nurse and then go back to sleep.

Things you like: Floor time after nursing and bath time but you have outgrown our sink bathtub but your head control isnt't great enough for the bumbo yet....showers with daddy it is right now!

Things you dislike: Hmmmmm.....being tired I guess or hungry but you really don't fuss much!

Big Events: Golf Tournament, splash park, and first day of school

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