To Braxton: Wow! 5 months already! This mommy really wishes time would slow down so that I could cuddle with you forever! The month of January was an exciting one for you....real food....real giggles.....real interest in everything going on around you. We love you so very much and love watching you grow and start to explore your environment more everyday!
The facts: Guess what!?!? You weigh 12 lbs 3 oz now which is still less than 5% but you look huge to us. You are a great eater and are steadily growing even if its not quite as fast as the other 95% of kiddos your age.
You start your day consistently at 5:30AM with nursing and playtime with mommy. During the day at daycare you eat 4-5 5oz bottles and then you nurse 1-2x at home in the evenings before bed. You go to sleep around 8PM every night.
On January 6, we started rice cereal everyday and you love it. You now eat 4tsp every evening after I pick you up from school (daycare)
What you are doing: Laughing out loud, grabbing your toes and putting them in your mouth, eating rice cereal every night, and on one occasion you rolled back to belly
You moved out of mommy and daddy's room this month and transitioned away from swaddling. You are now sleeping in your crib like a big boy! You sleep flat on your back, with a noise machine wearing fleece pajamas with a fleece sleep sack over them because you get cold at night. It took us lots of experimenting to discover the perfect combination for you to sleep really well in your crib. You are now sleeping inconsistently through the night but we will take it!!!!
Things you like: Your toes (you love looking at them, grabbing them, tasting them), getting "gobbled" especially under your arm pits, smiling big toothless smiles, riding in your backpack with daddy
Things you dislike: Being cold, sun in your eyes, wind in your face (you are basically a diva outside..Ha), and being tired
Big Events: eating rice cereal, first Razorback basketball game, and of course Aunt Maegen's wedding
You moved out of mommy and daddy's room this month and transitioned away from swaddling. You are now sleeping in your crib like a big boy! You sleep flat on your back, with a noise machine wearing fleece pajamas with a fleece sleep sack over them because you get cold at night. It took us lots of experimenting to discover the perfect combination for you to sleep really well in your crib. You are now sleeping inconsistently through the night but we will take it!!!!
You sure love those toes |
Big boy in your high chair |
Things you dislike: Being cold, sun in your eyes, wind in your face (you are basically a diva outside..Ha), and being tired
Big Events: eating rice cereal, first Razorback basketball game, and of course Aunt Maegen's wedding
Aunt Maegen's wedding |