Summer is winding down and everyone we know is gearing up for a new school year. This only means one thing in the Hill's vacation time. It is sooo hard to wait until the very end of summer to head to the beach but it is so worth crowds, no waits at restaurants, and great deals on condos. We will continue to take full advantage until Braxton starts school and puts an end to my perfect vacation plans. ha
Braxton was impressed with the long as he did not have to touch |
Braxton and DD relaxing on the beach! |
Braxton did so good in the car. I was so impressed. We hit the road bright and early around 4AM and he slept the majority of the way there and home with only one stop needed for a late breakfast at a fast food restaurant with an indoor playground to use up some energy.
This year we recruited the help of my mom for vacation and it worked out great. She would take shifts going up to the condo while Braxton napped. It was nice for Luke and I to have someone to share that responsibility with.
Braxton definitely liked the pool more than the ocean but he still had a great time on the beach getting in the "big water" with his daddy. He would sit and play in the sand but when he was tired of playing he wanted cleaned off immediately...."San Ucky." Every morning he would pop out of bed and was ready to go "outside" so he could go "wimming." The pool at the condo happened to have a waterfall which he thought was "super cool!" B wore his puddle jumper in the pool and ocean and by the end of the week he was doing a pretty good job at staying afloat!
Braxton always finds a way to make us laugh and this trip was no different. We were showing him the ocean and discovered another word that toddlers shouldn't say. Ha! So all week Braxton wanted to go see the "Oh Shit." We tried to substitute big water but oh well.
My aunt Carole and uncle Ernie also went with us on vacation along with my grandma Gerkie. It was so fun watching Braxton bond with them all and he got pretty possessive by the end of the week with "My Carole" and "My G."
Overall it was a great, relaxing trip full of fun and seafood!! I can't wait until next year!