Friday, October 17, 2014

Happy 2nd Birthday Braxton Cole

The calendar has made it back around to September 5th way, way to fast! My little guy is now officially T-W-O! Around here our goal is to make birthdays super special so September 5th was a busy, busy day full of activities that we thought Braxton would enjoy. 
We knew we needed to see trains so we decided to have donuts for breakfast in the car while looking for trains. Luckily, Fayetteville has a train caboose right on Greg Street so Braxton climbed around for awhile and sang his favorite little song...."All aboard the choo choo train, all aboard the choo choo train, All aboard...All aboard....Choo Choo"

Next we needed snorts and luckily they are currently doing a lot of construction near our house to make a new bike trail. The construction workers were very nice and did not mind Braxton climbing on the parked equipment and watching them scoop dirt!!

Braxton with his Grandpa
 After a much needed nap we decided to take Braxton bowling for his first time. It was only fitting that Grandpa and Uncle nick be there with him since they both love bowling. Braxton loved carrying his ball and rolling it down the ramp. He stayed pretty engaged for the first whole game. He even got his very first "strike." Of course snowcones were needed after bowling!

We ended the day at Buffalo Wild Wings for chicken nuggets and the fact that Jagger made it before bedtime was definitely icing on the cake!!!
Overall my sweet boy had a very busy 2nd birthday surrounded by loved ones and doing some of his favorite things! I say that sounds like a pretty awesome day!!