Saturday, January 9, 2016

Watch our handsome boy grow....month 8

Handsome Beckett Allen is getting so big! I think he looks like Nick as a baby this month!!!
 8 months BIG!!!

8 months old and counting......

Trouble maker....this sums up Beckett Allen perfectly right now. He is mobile and curious and has no respect for the laws of the Hill household. Keeping him alive is a full time job since toddler toys come disguised as tiny baby death traps!! Beckett is blissfully unaware of all dangers and continues to be the happiest little guy there ever was....that doesn't sleep!!!

Big boy car seat!
The facts: You are a happy, healthy baby boy and for that we are thankful. Since you haven't been sick we haven't been to the doctor so I have no stats on you. You are wearing all 12-18 month clothes, size 3 daytime diapers, size 4 overnight diapers, and size 4 shoes to accommodate your chunky little foot. 
Teething is in full swing but you never complain. You broke through teeth #3-5 this month(front top two and bottom left). 
You are a big eater!! We are still making your baby food as of now but the baby breeza recently bit the dust so jarred food is in your future. You currently eat 2 1oz cubes and cereal for breakfast and 2 1 oz cubes for lunch at school. We have started some little finger foods including banana, mum-mums, puffs, and on Halloween you had your first cracker! You continue to nurse anytime we are together and you have 3-4 bottles of pumped breast milk at daycare. 
Staying warm at big brother's soccer games
Things you are doing: Getting into everything!! You are now an excellent sitter with protective extension noted with loss of balance. You are belly crawling all across the house and getting FAST. You are spending more time up in quadruped and have started rocking. You are also pulling yourself up to talk kneel and to stand. On 11/1 you transitioned from quadruped to sitting all on your own. 
You have mastered clapping and waving bye bye with your whole arm. You frequently say Ma-Ma and Da-Da but you aren't directing it to us....yet!
Sleep.....what sleep!! No but in all seriousness you are a terrible sleeper. You sleep on your tummy in your crib. We lay you down between 8-9 and then you are up every 1-2 hours and cannot self soothe to get back to sleep. I either rock you, nurse you 1x nightly, bring you to our bed, or daddy sleeps with you in your nursery chair. It's time to start working on better sleep patterns but for now we rock. 
Sleeping in our arms....the only time anyone rests!
Things you like: anything Braxton Cole has and following him around
Just one of the crawling
Too Big
Things you don't like: sleep and being left alone in a room. 

Big events: pumpkin patch, Halloween

Friday, January 8, 2016

Fall Family pictures 2015

Ashley Stewart took our family pictures this Fall and did a great job. Sadly it was overcast so she couldn't get her normal, dreamy, sunny shots but nonetheless they turned out great!! 

I'll eat you up I love you so!!! Halloween 2015

I never thought we would be able to top the snort costume from last year but guess what....We Did!!!
Braxton loves the book "Where the Wild Things Are". At first he thought he wanted to be an airplane but then we talked about how Beckett could dress up with him and it was an easy sell!! Braxton choose to be a WILD THING and Beckett was Max. Luke made the stroller into a red boat for Max to sail in. It turned out so so cute!! 

We went to the Fayetteville square to Trick or Treat on Friday followed with dinner out with friends! Saturday we all got together at the Summerfords to watch the game. After the Hog win we loaded up on the hayride for some good ole fashioned trick or treating door to door in Fayetteville. Braxton loved it until an adult dressed as a skeleton jumped out at him. He was then terrified of walking up to any housešŸ˜¢.
Ansley, Beckett, Braxton, Ella, Owen, Harper, Ava Kate, Collin
Trick or Treat on the Square!
Hayride Time!!
Love this little Wild Thing
Braxton Halloween 2015 quotes
"I'll eat you up I love you so"
"Let the wild rumpus start"
"That house is dressed up...I don't like the dressed up house(decorations)"