Friday, June 14, 2013

Dear Lord, Protect this child!!!

There cannot be scarier words for a mother than...."your child needs surgery" or worse..."your child was in an accident." Well I pray that I never have to hear the latter but I can now say I have experienced the first. 
Braxton has had trouble with ear infections since his 6 month birthday. Luckily he never runs a fever and wasn't fussy but nonetheless his ears were infected and he had to be on a round of antibiotics each time. After his fourth infection in 2 months, our PCP gave us a referral to an ENT who confirmed that yes Braxton needed tubes. Surgery was scheduled and the worrying began. 
Yes I know that placing tubes is a simple procedure which takes 5 minutes. Yes I know that the doctor could do it with his eyes closed because he performs it so often. Yes I know that recovery will be a breeze. Logically I know all of these things but your talking about putting MY sweet baby under anesthesia and cutting his ears, so yes I was nervous. 

Braxton was very brave the morning of surgery( a little hungry but brave) probably because he is too little to understand what was going on at all. I held it together when they whisked his little body away from us and only teared up once. I waited impatiently in waiting room for the 5 minute procedure watching the seconds tick by on my watch. And I prayed...I prayed for protection over my precious boy....I prayed for the doctor's steady hand....I prayed for a smooth, routine procedure. I prayed!

Well God heard! Everything went great. Surgery was over in 5 minutes and Braxton went to recovery. Overall my sweet boy was away from me for a total of 13 minutes before he was sleeping peacefully in my arms. His tummy was hungry when he woke up so we polished off a bottle and then we were discharged. Braxton took a 3 hour nap which is super long for him and then he was back to normal! Man, kiddos are resilient!!!

I am so thankful for a healthy, happy baby boy. I count my blessings daily!!! I pray that a simple tube procedure is all he ever has to endure because this momma would really be a mess if it was something serious! 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

9 months old and counting....

Oh Braxton, my sweet and smiley baby boy what a fun month we have had. You are officially mobile and know how to keep mommy and daddy on their toes. You are learning so much, so fast these days and I love to sit and watch your wheels turning but nothing compares to the sheer joy you show when you figure something out for the first time. You have truly changed my life forever and I love you so much!!

The Facts: You are now tipping the scales at a whooping 17.3 lbs. We are so excited because this officially put you on the growth chart (7th percentile). Your head circumference is 18 inches (60th percentile) and your length is 26.25 inches (8th percentile). 
In May, you experienced ear infection #4 since March 8 so we visited with an ENT and you will be getting tubes on June 12. I am super nervous about you going under anesthesia but I know it's a simple procedure and you will be fine. 
You are officially done nursing (teeth hurt mommy) and I am only pumping 1x per day so needless to say your bottles are now all formula. You are drinking 5-6 bottles per day of 6oz. 
Here is your newest daily routine: waking up for the day around 6:30 with first bottle around 7AM. You leave for school with daddy around 7:15 and I pick you up around 5:45. During the day at school you have 3 or 4 bottles, 1 snack (puffs, banana, applesauce), and a stage 3 food at lunch which is 6oz. In the evening, you have a stage 2 food for dinner which is 4oz along with some sort of finger food to practice your pincer grasp(avocado, carrots, sweet potato, green beans, cheese, crackers). You have gotten pretty good at grabbing your own food and getting it into your mouth unless its wet and gooey. Pincer grasp is few and far between right now though. After dinner it's bubble bath and bedtime bottle in your rocking chair around 8PM. 
You are now wearing size 3 diapers during the day, size 3 overnight diapers at night (you kept having accidents in regulars), and 3-6 month clothes.

Things you are doing: CRAWLING started on May 9th before work because your sweet like that and wanted your mommy and daddy to be there!! Quickly after you started crawling you discovered how much fun pulling up to stand is. You don't care about the surface (sturdy, unsturdy, moving) you are determined to stand by everything. Guess what that have also had your 1st and 2nd and 3rd falls this month. Luckily no major injuries (ha) just a few bruises but that's to be expected from little boys. 
You have mastered "put in" this month and have made your daddy sooo proud because your favorite thing to put in is your little basketball into your little basketball goal. You have also started clapping but as of now your left hand is always fisted. And a not so cute trick you learned is the game of "dropsies" off of your high chair or out of your car seat or just when you are playing with a toy while we hold you. Mom and dad have set a 2 return limit. Ha
Standing to play!
Pulling to stand
Things you like: Peak a boo when you start the game, FOOD, blowing raspberries, and climbing on mommy and daddy
Riding with Jagger
Giving Piper loves
Handsome Boy

Things you dislike: nose sucking, diaper changes, or laying on your back for any amount of time. You hate being held down. 
Backyard cookout with Daddy
Mother's Day
Big events: first night away from mom, first tornado scare, art show at school, and pool time
Art Show at School
Tornado scare: hanging in the closet with my flashlight

9 month photo shoot

I love our monthly photo shoots but as you get older Braxton Cole they are getting more and more challenging. Capturing a moving target is difficult because you are busy busy right now!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Sleepover at Grandma and Pop's House

Braxton had his first overnight sleepover Memorial Day weekend. He stayed at grandma and Pop's while mommy and daddy went to float the Buffalo River and camp. Mommy was anxious about leaving for the first time but Braxton had a blast playing with Jagger. It was important that Luke and I didn't miss the trip because its a family tradition that started in 1970. Of course I had a blast and even have to admit that I got the best sleep I have had in 9 months even if it was in a tent!
Dropping my lil guy off!!!
Annual Float Trip
Yep.....that's all family and only a small percentage!

Carole and Ernie

Gerkie....yes my grandmother:)

Sweet Summertime

It's important to Luke and I that Braxton loves being outdoors and playing so now that it has finally warmed up we try to get him out as much as possible. Luckily he attends a daycare that values this also so Brax spends some time outside everyday unless its raining. We try to take him to the park pretty often ( he loves swinging) or at least laying out a blanket in the backyard. This month we introduced the kiddie pool first with Jagger and then with Ansley. Braxton loved it but with Ansley he stopped the party early by pooping in the pool. I guess he was trying to take advantage of the fact that this would be the only time when it would be acceptable to poop on your date. Ha

Working hard at the park
Tunnels are fun

Pool date with Ansley Shay
DD and Brax working on their tan

Piper's Baptism

My beautiful, sweet niece Piper was baptized on May 12, 2013. She was perfect and slept through the whole thing!! I am so honored that her parents have asked me to be her Godmother.....I can't wait to spoil her rotten:)
Family of four!