Thursday, July 11, 2013

10 month photo shoot!!!

I cannot believe that our monthly photo shoots will be expiring soon! I will miss the circus of mommy and daddy jumping around your room acting like fools for the precious 1 or 2 pictures of you smiling and looking at the camera!!!

Action shots


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

10 months old and counting....

Oh Braxton, how did we ever get so lucky to have such a sweet, happy, loving little boy. My life is so blessed because you are a part of it! You are so happy all the time (unless your hungry) and you look at your daddy and I with sooo much love in you eyes. It melts my heart everytime you climb into my lap and lay your head on my chest just to snuggle. It never lasts long because you are a busy little guy but I will always cherish those moments when you stop for just a moment to say "I love you mommy!"
You love playing outside
Water Baby
Surgery was no big deal for our big boy
First Haircut
Sleeping angel

The facts: You had tubes placed on June 12 and you did great with surgery and recovery was super fast. With that being said, we have not had any doctor appointments since you got tubes because you do not get sick anymore. Yay!! That also means that we don't have current measurements for your weight, height, or head circumference. You are steadily growing though because you are getting close to outgrowing your infant carrier.
Newest development: Your top two front teeth broke through on the 4th of July so you now have 4 chompers!
Eating: Jeez you are quite the eater these days. You have five 6oz bottles of formula along with two stage 3 (6oz) baby foods daily. You also eat two snacks at daycare (crackers, apple sauce, puffs, yogurt bites) and at night you eat a little of whatever we are having for dinner. So pretty much you are eating just about anything broken into very small pieces. 
Routine: Since your surgery for tube placement, you sleep longer and deeper. During the week we wake you up around 6:30 but on the weekends you will sleep until 8AM sometimes. We have a rule in the Hill household...if you wake up and it's dark outside, you have to cry it out for 5 minutes (90% of the time you fall back asleep) but if you wake up and the sun is up then you get to snuggle in mommy and daddy's bed! Daddy still takes you to school every morning at 7:30 and mommy picks you up at 5:45. In the evening we have some playtime, dinner, bubble bath, and bedtime sometime around 8PM. You still typically fall asleep rocking in your chair having your last bottle. 
You are currently wearing size 3 huggies diapers, size 3 nighttime diapers to sleep in, and mostly 3-6 month clothes. You are wearing 6-9 months in pajamas. 

What you are doing: WOW! Where do I even start. You have discovered so many new tricks this month. I think a list will be easiest....
Waves bye-bye pretty consistently
Growls or roars alot
Claps with both hands open
Crawls with something in one hand
Transitioning between 2 surfaces in standing
Playing catch
Independent stance for 2-3 seconds
Walking with a push toy
First word: You said bye-bye to daddy on July 1. You also say Ma-Ma and da-da but I'm not sure you are talking to us 
You know "If your happy and you know it" and will clap when we sing it
You repeat "Ah-ah-a-ah Ah-a-ah-a-ahhhhh" from the raindrop song

Things you like: You love playing outside, watching big kids play, playing catch with balls, splashing in water, and you are just starting to love trucks. 

Things you dislike: You still hate lying still for diaper changes and having your nose sucked. You also do not like when mommy or daddy leave you all alone in a room. 

Big events: Surgery for tubes, Father's Day, Cole's golf tournament, Ansley's birthday, and the 4th of July

Ansley Shae turns 1

Ansley Shae was born on July 2, 2012 to one of my best friends. Her momma and I were pregnant together, we work together, and now we get the joy of watching our kiddos grow up together. 
Ansley is a sassy young lady. She loves to babble and is Braxton's first friend if arranged relationships count as friendships. Haha

We loved her first birthday party!! It was cupcake themed and the kiddos had a great time playing with bubbles, crawling through tunnels, trying out Ansley's new toys, and Braxton's personal favorite the ball pit. Thanks for inviting us sweet girl!!

Cole Hill Memorial Golf Tournament

I have never done a post about Luke's brother, Cole who is also Braxton's namesake because anytime I try the words just seem silly. Cole was a kindhearted, God fearing, fun loving, family-oriented man and we try our best to celebrate his life every chance we get. 

Recently we had the 4th annual Cole Hill Memorial Golf Tournament. It's always a fun day in fun! We always have the max number of teams participate and the proceeds raised go to Sacred Heart Church and School in some form or another. Cole loved his alma mater and church and loved to have his name written all around the school:) 

In May, we celebrated Cole's 30th birthday with an annual adults only 4-wheeler ride followed with a crawfish boil at his house. It's always a fun day and a great way to remember. 

As Braxton grows up I hope our yearly days of remembrance continue and I pray that Luke and I can adequately paint a picture of Uncle Cole to Braxton. He sure loved kiddos and I know he would have loved his nephews and niece the most.