Wow Beckett Allen, this month has been a breeze in comparison to your first month! I thank God everyday that you are now healthy and happy. In the past month, your laid-back personality has really emerged. You smile at us with your big, gummy grin all the time and it melts my heart each and every time. You are a great eater so our only complaint is that you DO NOT SLEEP!! Luckily you are cute and we love you so mommy and daddy are dealing.
The facts: You are right on track with all your growth and development. You weigh 12lbs. 3oz and are now 22.75 inches long. This is a huge adjustment for us because Braxton was always so so small....translation: you are outgrowing all your clothes at a rapid rate. You are wearing 0-3 month clothes day and night and are now in size 2 diapers. Braxton got the flu this month so you took a precautionary dose of Tamiflu. You also went through a 2 week struggle with heat rashes due to being handled excessively.
Things you are doing:
Smiling: 5 weeks 2 days (April 9)
Rolling belly to back over right side only: 7 weeks 3 days (April 24)
Prone propping with just a little help
Nursing: every 3 hours around the clock except for 2 4-5 hour stretches at night. You have had 3 bottles with daddy and we discovered that 3ounces is not enough for our growing boy. We increased to 4 ounces for 2 bottles and you seemed full.
Sleep: let's chat a little bit about your lack thereof. Ha. I want to make sure I remember so I can prepare myself in case we go down this baby road again.
You sleep the best cuddled in mommy or daddy's arms (what baby doesn't...and what parent has time for this). We currently allow you to fall asleep in our arms and then we use the "swaddle me" and lay you on your side in an elevated co sleeper. You sleep for 2 hours max:(
**Our current sleep strategy: I nurse you at 8pm and then your daddy takes over until you are hungry again between 11-1AM. You sleep in the co-sleeper in the living room, with Daddy on the couch, so mommy can sleep. Daddy goes through the cycle: rock, co-sleeper, rock, co-sleeper. I take the next shift after nursing until you are hungry again between 4-5AM. You sleep in the co-sleeper in our bedroom with 30-60 min max. Then I repeat the cycle....rocking, co-sleeper, rocking, co-sleeper until mommy gets exhausted and into the bed you come until you are hungry again. After you nurse and fall asleep in my arms, you go back into co-sleeper for 30-60 min. At that point, (5-5:30AM) daddy takes back over and gets up with you so mommy can sleep for 1 solid hour before big B wakes up and our day begins. It's rough but it works. We are hoping and praying that you figure this sleeping thing out. I keep telling myself that its only a matter of time....I mean, how many 10-year-olds do you know that don't sleep through the night. ha
Things you like: bath time in your puj tub, being carried in your backpack, your big brothers voice, cuddling with mommy and daddy, your Fisher Price swing
Things you dislike: being held for extended periods of time, wind in your face, being over-tired, gas pains
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