Saturday, March 21, 2015

Counting down the days!!

Nursery is done. Clothes are washed. Baby gear is out of storage. Car seat is installed. All we need now is baby boy #2! By about 36 weeks I was ready for Beckett to make his appearance. It was around this point that it started getting difficult to get up and down from the floor which is a crucial aspect of a pediatric physical therapists job. 
Beckett's favorite place to hang out was always underneath my rib cage on the right side and when I say always....I mean always. Towards the end of this pregnancy you could safely bet that when you saw me I would have a hand on top of my belly pushing Beckett's booty down to provide pain relief. After work, getting horizontal was a necessity to get relief from the stabbing pains in my right side. 

Since Braxton was delivered by a c-section, Beckett's arrival would most likely be the same way. So it was our job to pick his birthday; a task which I totally over thought. I eventually settled on Tuesday March 3rd (3/3/15). This allowed me to have Monday off work and hang out with Braxton Cole all day. His last day as a only child was spent snuggling, playing with the train table at Dilly Dally's, and going on an ice cream date. 

During the last several weeks of pregnancy, I secretly was praying that I would just go into labor....mostly because of all the stabbing pains Beckett was providing but also to possibly avoid the recovery time associated with a c-section. Each week I was disappointed when my doctor confirmed that no progress had been made. On 3/2/15 I did experience contrations 4 minutes apart for apporoximately 3 hours but then they stopped as quickly as they had started. Oh well, C-section it would be!!!

Here is the only pregnancy picture that I have this time around. I did a terrible job documenting the growing bump but for some reason I do not think that Beckett will be upset. I can't imagine him wanting to look through pictures of his mom's belly. Ha


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