Beckett Allen I cannot believe how big you are getting. Time seems to be moving exponentially faster now that I have started back to work and it makes me sad. You continue to be the happiest baby that doesn't sleep! I really can't remember what a full nights sleep feels like but I do enjoy our quiet moments of rocking in the dark. I try to constantly remind myself that babies don't keep and eventually you will be big and you won't even need me to rock you to sleep and I will miss these days.
The facts: You are a big guy weighing 18lbs 12oz and measuring 27 inches in length which means you have almost outgrown your infant carrier car seat. You are currently wearing mostly 6-12 month clothes although some 3-6 month things can still be squeezed on. Ha. You are wearing 12 month pajamas which is crazy because Braxton was already walking when he wore these same jammies. You are wearing size 3 diapers during the day and you need a nighttime diaper during the night or you leak out everywhere. Loves is our brand of choice. You are so laid back and really just go with the flow no matter where we go and what we do. You only get fussy when you are tired or when we make you go longer than 4 hours without eating.
Things you are doing: You have started some pretty BIG things this month. You can now stand in your exersaucer/jumper and sit in your highchair during meals. You started eating rice cereal and Ms. Deanna feeds you this for breakfast daily. You have finally belly laughed but they are so few and far between. You do however snort pretty frequently when you are tickled!!
You love eating your toes and have started prop sitting for a few seconds before falling over. You have mastered rolling back to belly but can only do it toward your right side and you are loving pushing up on your hands in prone!
You nurse 3x daily(morning, evening, bedtime) and have 3 5oz bottles at school everyday. You also continue to nurse 1x during the night typically around 2AM. Bedtime is between 8-9PM. You are sleeping in the cosleeper in a fleece sleep sack on your side. You wake at least 2x nightly still. Your day consistently starts at 6:30AM.
Things you dislike: sleep and being hot
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