Saturday, March 9, 2013

Braxton's first vacation

Our trip to Colorado was a success!! I got to to see Kristen and spend some quality time catching up. And Luke got to snowboard and drink beer at the Coor's brewery. Braxton did great traveling and was his normal happy, smiley, easy-going self throughout the trip. There were only two negatives: the time change threw off his sleeping schedule causing restless nights and very early (4:30) starts to our days; and Braxton continues to be a diva with weather conditions meaning he really hates cold wind in his face which was inevitable in Colorado.
Here's our itinerary with pictures!!! Kristen did a great job of keeping us busy.
Friday: off to Keystone we went. Kristen and I skied, Luke snow boarded, and Braxton played at the resort daycare. Of course, the daycare loved him and they wanted to take him home:) After we got off the slopes we had an early dinner in Keystone and took pictures with lil man! 

Saturday: we started our day with a tour at the Coor's brewery for Luke and then had lunch at a cute lil place in Golden. The tour was fun and Braxton loved riding in his backpack and people watching. We also went to Red Rock which was very cool. The plan was to do a short hike but Braxton was napping so we opted out and just drove around instead. That night we headed to downtown Denver for an excellent dinner at Kristen's favorite restaurant!!

Sunday: off to Keystone for day 2 of skiing/snow boarding. We got super lucky because there was a big snowstorm overnight meaning lots of fresh powder!! We had lots of fun on the mountain and luckily it warmed up in the afternoon and the sun came out so we decided Braxton had to experience the mountain top!! I snuggled Braxton up in lots of layers and he rode the gondola up for a photo session at the top. He loved the gondola rise and almost fell asleep before we made it. On the mountain, he did good initially until a wind gust got him in the face and then he was done with pictures , snow, wind, and outside in general. Braxton fell asleep in my arms on the gondola ride down, the photo session must have exhausted him. Ha

Monday: Kristen took us for an excellent brunch before we started our airport experience all over again!
Braxton made it easy to want to travel with him again so we have already booked his first beach trip for this August!! Yay

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