Friday, March 8, 2013

It's a bird....It's a plane....It's Braxman!

Last April one of my very best friends, Kristen moved away to Denver. It's makes me sad for her to be so far away because I am a failure at being a good phone friend. While I was pregnant I decided it was vital to go and visit in early 2013. The big question or no baby??
Well September came and Braxton Cole was born and my perspective on life changed drastically. Of course I still wanted to go visit but at 5 1/2 months old, the baby was definitely coming. The thought of leaving him somewhere overnight much less 4 nights makes my heart hurt.
So on February 21, Braxton, Luke, and I loaded a direct flight to Denver. Parents who fly regularly with their small children must have magic powers because it is no easy task. Let me paint you a picture.....we arrive at the airport, 2 adults, 1 baby....we must somehow transport the following inside: 2 large rolling suitcases, 1 car seat, 1 large diaper bag/purse (filled with toys and entertainment to ensure Braxton didn't cry during his flight), 1 pump bag filled with breast milk ( oh yay that was fun during security), and of course the above mentioned baby who does not want to ride in his car seat but would rather be carried. Don't get me wrong, Braxton was an angel, but jeez that's alot of stuff!
After we checked in and dropped our suitcases off it was time for security. At this point Brax went into his backpack. Security would have been a breeze but of course there was the breast milk. TSA does not regulate breast milk so you can bring as much as you like and it doesn't have to be divided into 3 ounce increments. They do have to check the milk in case it contains ______(fill blank with something scary that bad people might have). So a very awkward and uncomfortable man pulled me and my milk aside and opened the 2 bottles and 3 storage containers full of milk to stick tiny testing strips inside. Time consuming but no big deal. Onward we go!

Braxton did great on the plane!! Of course I was super anxious during the whole flight worried that my kid might start crying and then we would be "those people". I was also worried about his little ears but luckily I had a window seat so Brax nursed during takeoff (covered of course) and then slept like a baby to the engine roar for the duration of the flight.
Once we made it to the Denver airport, Brax was bright eyed and ready to check everything out. He managed to spit up on the airport floor several times but other than that we escaped unscathed.
Overall, I will say our first flight was a success. Flying with a baby is probably not something one ever looks forward too but at least I will not dread it next time.

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