Wednesday, April 8, 2015

4 weeks old and counting.....

Beckett Allen what an eventful debut you have had....starting with your grand entrance during an ice storm followed with contracting RSV and landing yourself in the hospital at 2 weeks old.  
We love you so very much and are so very thankful for you as you are the perfect addition to our family. Of course time is flying by way too quickly and I feel sad knowing that before I know it you will be going to daycare and I will be heading back to work. For now we are trying to soak up all the snuggles we can...except the middle of the night snuggles...we could do without those. Hehe. Braxton Cole also loves his "baby brudder" very much and constantly wants to kiss him, touch him, and hold him. 
Things you are doing:
You are a big guy weighing in at 8lbs 6oz at birth. At your 3 week appointment you weighed in at 8lbs 8oz.
 Immediately after birth you latched on to nurse and you have really never stopped. Ha. You nurse for 20 minutes every 3 hours like clockwork. During your 6 night hospital stay for RSV you did not nurse well but quickly made up for lost time after discharge. 
You are a terrible sleeper and I truly mean terrible. During the day you require to be held during most naps probably because of your hospital stay. At night you sleep swaddled although you always fight to remove your arms and sleep for approximately 30-60 minute increments. Your record for consecutive sleep is only 1.5 hours. Obviously we are working on this. During your short bouts of sleep, you sleep flat on your back although in the hospital you were on a incline to assist with congestion. We have also tried side lying, prone, in a fisher price rock and play and some co sleeping (when we are exhausted). 
You are wearing all newborn clothes but are quickly outgrowing everything and are now wearing size 1 diapers because you were peeing out during the night. You had a terrible diaper rash for approximately 2 weeks which has resolved. 
You smile a lot although I don't call them purposeful yet. You enjoy tummy time and can easily clear your airway and you have managed to roll tummy to back over both sides 2x although I don't call that purposeful either. 

We call you bubba, handsome, lil B, B2, lil duck, or bubba. 

Things you like: being held, eating
Things you dislike: sleep, baths, diaper rash, swaddling
Big Events: Easter pictures, Newborn pictures, RSV, dying Easter eggs


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